The open data platform in the field of public finance, “E-Data”, is now available in English!

EU4PFM financed the translation of the platform, as well as the portals and into English. The State Institution “Open Public Finance” implemented the English version on these sites. Thus, the transparency of Ukrainian public finances is accessible to an international audience without the need for additional translation tools!
This means that foreign partners, interna ...

The E-Data open data platform in the field of public finance is celebrating its 9th anniversary!

What has happened over these years? Let's start with some traditional statistics:

  • Almost 20 million user sessions across all platform portals;
  • now contains 93 million documents (contracts, acts, reports);
  • Nearly 242 million transactions and budget commitments totaling 300 billion UAH have been published;
  • More than 56,000 organization, enterprise, and association accounts are registered on the platform, including over 34,0 ...

Submission of budget requests via the IT system for budget planning WebCFA AIS completed.

The second stage of the budget cycle—preparing budget requests by the key spending units (KSUs) and submitting them to the Ministry of Finance — has been completed. This stage of this year's budget process was carried out using the newly created system for online interaction with state budget spending units: WebCFA AIS.

The new system significantly simplifies the exchange of information between different levels of the budget process and ensures ...

Registration of budget spending units and the medium-term budget planning process in the IT system for budget planning and monitoring is underway

As of today, 3274 users from state institutions have successfully registered in the IT system for budget planning and monitoring (WebCFA AIS) and created 1209 accounts of institutions. Of these, 83 accounts were created by the key spending units (KSU) and 1126 accounts were created by subordinate spending units.

To register, an institution that is the key spending unit submits a request to register in the system, create its account and appoint a ...

WebCFA AIS has been implemented into operation!

We are pleased to announce that as of March 29, 2024, the Automated Information System for Online Interactions with Administrators of State Budget Funds (WebCFA AIS) has been put into operation!

WebCFA AIS will enable the automation of activities of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, main administrators of budget funds, and lower-level budget administrators in the budget planning process. This system is part of a project being implemented by th ...

Seven years for the SI "OPF"!

And today we celebrate our Birthday!

Seven years of relentless work towards transparency in public finances lie behind us. Over these seven years, there have been many successes and, of course, no shortage of challenges, which only spurred us on to develop, search for new solutions, and move forward. We began with the technical administration of a single portal, and now in our portfolio, we have 20 projects at various stages of implementation - ...

Search by obligation of the administrators of budget funds on

A new section has appeared on the web portal - Search by obligation.

Obligations of the administrators have been uploaded to the portal since the beginning of 2024 - from general and special funds, state and local budgets. There is an option to search for budget obligations based on filter parameters such as date, administrator, budget type, classification code, etc. Additionally, you can go to the PROZORRO trading page ...

Anonymous survey of Administrators and Recipients of funds from state and local budgets

We, as the technical administrators of the portal, are constantly working on improving the product and service used by our users.

Today, we are reaching out to that part of our users for whom our portal is an integral part of daily work - representatives of Administrators and Recipients of funds from state and local budgets. We greatly value your opinion and assistance!

Please take a few minu ...

We present another messenger of the E-Data platform - the Telegram bot "Ministry of Finance Public Funds"

Today we present another messenger of the E-Data platform - the Telegram bot "Ministry of Finance Public Funds."
The chatbot @Ministryonlinebot promptly provides access to information about public funds that affect the economic activities of society, namely:

  • quick and convenient access to important information in a few clicks;
  • precise search by specific parameters;
  • tracking the dynamics of state and local budgets (from general information t ...

Piloting of the IT System for Budget Planning Progressing Well

The piloting of an automated information system for online interaction with key spending units (AIS “KSU-WEB”) has been ongoing for two months and is continuing according to plan.

The system is being developed by order of the Ministry of Finance and with the financial support of the EU Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM).

To date, the second group of key spending units (KSUs) has been involved in piloting, along wi ...

Happy 8th Anniversary, E-Data!

The platform of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine,, which currently integrates three key open data portals:,,, and other modules for public finance analysis and tracking, began operating on September 15, 2015, in accordance with the Law on the Transparency of Public Funds Usage. Over the course of 8 years, the websites have served 18.3 million user sess ...

Launch of E-data Platform Chatbot in Telegram

For already half a year, the chatbot of the E-data platform has been operating in test mode on Telegram (@edata_platform_bot). We haven't created voice announcements or launch presentations; we added a link to download the chatbot on the E-data page ( And now, after testing and refinement, we want to present this product to the public!

The chatbot was created in compliance with the order of the Cabi ...

Creating a new IT system for planning and monitoring the implementation of the state budget

Active work is underway to create a new IT system for planning and monitoring the implementation of the state budget.

By the order of the Ministry of Finance and with the financial support of EU4PFM, the State Institution "Open Public Finance" has been working on the development of two IT systems since the beginning of 2023: "State Budget - Ministry of Finance" and "Automated information sys ...

Ми запустили онлайн-курс про відкриті дані з платформи Є-дата!

Зареєструватися на курс можна тут:

На курсі ви дізнаєтеся про роботу з трьома порталами платформи

На порталі ви знайдете інформацію про:

  • трансакції за рахунок коштів державного та місцевих бюджетів – куди держава витрачає гроші платників податків;
  • договори, укладені розпорядниками бюджетних коштів;
  • звіти про заборгованість за ...

Інструкція з використання порталу "Бюджет для громадян"

ДУ "Відкриті публічні фінанси" презентує розгорнуту інструкцію по використанню порталу

Інструкція буде корисною місцевим громадам, представникам органів влади, журналістам, студентам, активній громадськості — усім, хто хоче більш детально вивчити можливості порталу та ефективно використовувати дані!

Інструкція з використання порталу "Бюджет для громадян".pdf

6-та річниця найбільшої бази даних у сфері публічних фінансів Є-data

Мільйони даних та тисячі запитів – це те, що сьогодні можна сказати про платформу Є-data (, яка належить Міністерству фінансів України. Завдяки відкритим даним ми стали більш доступними для наших громадян, відкритими для світу, зрозумілими для бізнесу.

Відкритість даних допомогла поліпшити позиції України в останніх міжнародних рейтингах: Open Budget Index ...

Інформація про бюджет може з’являтись на сайтах громад автоматично

У межах Програми USAID DOBRE та у партнерстві з державною установою «Відкриті публічні фінанси», спеціалісти SocialBoost створили новий інструмент для платформи DOSVIT. Сайти громад відтепер матимуть віджет «Місцевих бюджетів» із Державного вебпорталу бюджету для громадян.

«Інформація про бюджет — ключова складова на сайті кожної громади. ...

The team of experts of the Open Public Finance conducted 8 regional trainings

During the month, Open Public Finance team with the U-LEAD with Europe Program conducted 8 practical trainings for representatives from all regions of Ukraine, where they talked about open data in the field of public finance, budget process transparency and open data portals.

Experts from SI OPF told about open public finance portals group E-data, which belongs to the Ministry of Finance. They provide information on expe ...

Oleksandr Komareus. Conference "Modernization 2021: the Role of Governance and Institutions"

April 27th, 2021. Conference "Modernization 2021: the Role of Governance and Institutions" by Vox Ukraine.

CEO of Open Public Finance Oleksandr Komareus participated in the Discussion "Engagement of citizens into budget processes at the community level" along with Orest Fayfurka, Head of the Public Partnership Department, Lviv City Council; Oleksandr Syenkevych, Mykolaiv City Mayor; Olha Shubina, expert in local finance and local ...

Web portals about public finance

To inform the public about the portals, their functionality and capabilities, the State Institution "Open Public Finance" has created a video about open data in the field of public finance. The platform Е-data ( combines three portals, which contain information on the open budget, budget expenditures, about projects of international financial organizations.
• The largest database on the use of taxpayers' funds (
• T ...

Open Public Finance Report 2020: We want data to be open for use

Open Public Finance Report 2020.pdf

State Institution ‘Open Public Finance’ made a public report on open data portals in the field of public finance in 2020 and on plans for the future.

The Ministry of Finance plays an important role in disclosing public finance data. That’s why Mykola Matyushenko, Director of the Department for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitization of the Ministry of Fi ...

Report 2019

Report 2019.pdf

Report 2018

Report 2018.pdf

OPF team provided an open access to the all local budgets in Ukraine

OPF opened up the data of all local budget on the national portal From now Ukrainian citizens has their tool for monitoring of public spending at the local level. The information about 9.603 local budgets has become available for everyone, and it’s monthly updated.
“Open Public Finance” team, portal’s developer, has presented the data on the incomes and expenses [of the each local budget](https://o ...

OPF has created a new service for the import of transactions on

OPF team has found the new solution to make more public organizations financial transparent. OPF developers has designed this service for public organizations with accounts in commercial banks (not only State Treasury accounts). From now, those institutions have the opportunity to use just their personal accounts on to import their transactions. The manual can be found here [https://confluence.spending ...

PI “OPF” and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine have signed the agreement on the development the portal named “Open budget for citizens”

PI “OPF” and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine have signed the agreement on the development the portal named “Open budget for citizens” as a part of the big integrated informational analytical system “Transparent budget”.
The portal is valuable because everyone will be able to see budget programs – documents that answer on the following questions: the question on the origin and quantity of the funds, the question on what these costs will be spe ...

PI “OPF” provided an open access to the contracts of public budget-holders

PI “Open public finance” has opened the access to the contracts of budget administrators for the civil public control and analyses. The team of PI “Open Public Finance” made the public costs spending portal the 1st and unique platform in Ukraine with fully structured data in the field of public finances.
API access will allow users to export the data in order to create services for civil monitoring of transactions. The potential services would a ...

Working group meeting for the development of E- data module “Open Budget”

The 4th working group meeting for the development of the Open Budget for public was held. Experts of Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, SCSU and public representatives discussed the design options for the E-data module -– Open Budget ( The discussion was focused on the public convenient usability of the portal. At the same time, PI "Open Public Finance" and experts analyze data sets for the public open publications regarding the b ...

State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control and Public Institution "Open Public Finance" signed a Memorandum on cooperation and partnership

Feb 15, 2018
The parties agreed on cooperation aimed to provide innovative solutions for informatization of the state control of medicinal products for compliance with quality and safety guidelines.
"The signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Public Institution "Open Public Finance» is one more step towards optimizing of the internal processes of the SMDC with the help of modern information technology solutions that as usual have bee ...

State Institution "Open Public Finance" participated in Performance Dialogue

Public Institution "Open Public Finance" participated in the Performance Dialogue. The E-Data team from the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine organized the event and gathered representatives of government - business - the public.
Oksana Markarova, the First Deputy Finance Minister, made the conclusions of 2017 and outlined plans for the future:" E-data is an important institutional part of public finance reform. It has been 2 years since the launch ...

E-data project work meeting

The working meeting of the E-data interdepartmental working group was held. Public Institution "Open Public Finance" presented for discussion a technical specification for the Openbudget module.
The purpose of creating the Openbudget module is to provide citizens with continuous е-access to information about budget funds at all stages of planning and using budget funds. This module allows the access regarding the strategy of three-year planning, ...

The E-data-Open Budget project module has been presented at the Public Council of the MFU

On November 29, a meeting of the Public Council of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine took place, where Oksana Markarova, the First Deputy Minister of Finance, presented the module of the portal E-data - Open Budget (Open Budget for Public). The Public Council of the Ministry of Finance agreed and supported the vision, the technical task and the strategy for the development of the public part of the Transparent Budget system, which will be posted ...

National Forum of IT Directors of the Authorities "Interaction and Electronic Services"

Oleksandr Komareus, CEO of Public Institution "Open Public Finance", participated in the III National Forum of IT Directors of the authorities "Interaction and Electronic Services", which took place on November 16-17, 2017 in the Congress - Puscha (Kyiv, Puscha Voditsa, M. M. Yunkerova St., 20). The organizer of the forum was the State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine with the support of Egov4Ukraine, EGAP, TAPAS. The main purpose of the forum ... came out of the test mode

The official portal on the use of public funds left the test mode and began to work on full capacity. From now on, all state budget administrators are required to publish financial statements on the portal. The portal was created two years ago with the support of the Government of Germany and the United Kingdom. Its goal is to ensure the full transparency of public finances. During it ...