- the use of property or funds by an employee for private interests;
- conflict of interest;
- violation of restrictions on collaboration with close persons;
- failure to comply with restrictions on compatibility and combination with other types of activities;
- violation of ethical behavior rules;
- non-submission or submission of a false declaration by a person obligated to declare their income and expenses;
To report a corruption offense in the State Institution "Open Public Finances" regarding:
- or any other unlawful actions in the anti-corruption sphere, you have the opportunity to use secure anonymous communication channels:
- using the institution's official website (fill out the form);
- to the mailing address: 04071, Ukraine, Kyiv, P.O. Box 135, authorized person for the prevention and detection of corruption of the State Institution "Open Public Finances" (with the note "corruption");
- using the email address anticorruption@publicfinance.gov.ua.
You can leave a relevant message containing information specifically related to an individual and factual data that can be verified, as well as supported by evidence.
Reports of violations of the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" can be made without specifying authorship (anonymously).
Knowingly providing false information entails responsibility under the current legislation of Ukraine.
Reports are considered by the authorized person for the prevention and detection of corruption of the state institution "Open Public Finances" in the order determined by the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".
Senior Specialist in Anti-corruption Activities Halyna Vovk anticorruption@publicfinance.gov.ua.
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